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None of us likes to think that we may find ourselves in an emergency situation. With man-made and natural disasters around the world on the rise, the chances are increasing that we could find ourselves in an emergency situation. Part of helping to reduce the stress of this is to get yourself prepared, one way is to store an emergency supply of food. I assure you that you will feel much better and more at ease in knowing that if you find yourself in an emergency situation that you will at least have some food supplies to see you and your loved ones through this hardship. In this book, I offer you some recipes that you may find useful to use during an emergency. Use these easy to follow recipes that do not take much to put together, but they will offer you and your loved ones meals that can help to keep you sustained through an emergency situation using the emergency food supplies. The world that we live in today is full of many uncertainties, we never know from one day to the next what could happen. You just need to look at the daily news to hear about all kinds of emergency situations occurring around the world from natural disasters such as floods to man-made disasters such as bombings. To help us better cope with these ever increasing situations we must get ourselves prepared for the worst. It is always better to be safe than sorry, especially when it comes to preparing for an emergency situation. Setting up emergency supplies for you and your loved ones will be a crucial part of your survival during times of hardship. I hope that you will find my collection of recipes useful to you, I hope that you will never have to find yourself in an emergency situation, but you will feel much more at ease in knowing you have made some preparations for such an event just in case. Download this book and get ready to make six beautiful rug patterns with your hands. These projects will increase your happiness and satisfaction. Download your E-book "Survival: Cook While Emergency: 23 Nutritious Delicious And Quick Recipes Made Of Your Emergency Food Supplies
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